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Belimo ZoneEase™ VAV

Belimo ZoneEase™ VAV is the most innovative VAV-solution that simplifi es the
commissioning process. It provides commissioning support via the cloud to enhance
the user experience and reduces project complexity and downtime while increasing
connectivity, data transparency and cost-effi ciency.
1. A Comfortable solution you can trust
2. Ease of use and quality response
3. Transparency to solve real issues
4. Reduced risk of downtime

Enhance user experience via cloud commissioning

A Comfortable Solution You Can Trust
Tested quality: To ensure ZoneEase™ VAV can perform to the highest
levels of quality and reliability, it was tested in a dedicated thermal
chamber in Belimo’s headquarters.
Full traceability: ZoneEase™ VAV is made traceable from the moment it
leaves the factory, allowing customers to instantly monitor progress.
Quiet but quick: ZoneEase™ VAV runs quietly during normal operation.
When customers initiate a boost request, it runs at maximum speed.
CO2 quality sensor: Installation of an optional CO2 sensor
allows advanced zone air quality monitoring.

Ease of Use and Quality Response
Mobile tool: Our user-friendly app helps users to monitor, confi gure,
and control individual VAV controller actuators directly at the room
unit, ceiling sensor or actuator using NFC technology.
Health analysis: Health and fault analysis of VAV system provide
better insights of the VAV condition

Reduced Risk of Downtime
Quick changes: Changing design data, such as Vmin and Vmax, or
temperature calibration is simple using our password-protected app at
the room unit/sensor.
Fast service: Belimo Certifi ed Partners as well as cloud and app
technology allow faster service

Simplify the commissioning process.

Swiss quality ZoneEase™ VAV can be connected by common BACnet MSTP protocol, optimising zone comfort through intelligent control.

  1. System integrators enter and upload all confi gurations at their offi ce to the cloud system.
  2. Installers tap their smartphones easily to the room unit or actuator (powered/ powerless).
  3. All authorised users will be able to view the progress on the cloud anytime, anywhere
  4. Installers login and confi gurations are automatically synchronised to their smartphones on site
  5. The Belimo ZoneEase™ VAV has all the planned confi gurations. VAV works!



Efficiency and Reliability in Versatile Applications

Thanks to their reliability, flexibility and energy efficiency, many customers have become devotees of Belimo butterfly valves and PR actuators since they were launched in November 2016. The butterfly valve-actuator combinations have already been able to prove themselves in projects such as the new chiller of the SwissCo AG pharmacy group, the heating system of the Kuhn Champignon AG food manufacturing company or as a retrofit solution in the cooling plant of the Müller Produktion GmbH installation company. Thanks to their communication capability, the actuators were readily integrated in the existing systems, commissioned or configured in just a few minutes, providing information regarding their operating status. In combination with the specially developed butterfly valves, they ensure optimum performance and contribute towards reducing energy consumption.

The Latest Technology for Butterfly Valves

In the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Industry (HVAC), butterfly valves are fundamental components in virtually every hydronic system. Most butterfly valves available on the market are less than ideal for this field of application – they leak, their running times are not optimised for HVAC applications, they are too big and heavy for easy installation and they cannot be commissioned quickly in the field. However, the tried and trusted Belimo butterfly valves are the exception here. The latest technology for butterfly valves from Belimo is especially designed for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning industry and fully meets all of its requirements. Belimo is setting new standards here :

  • Innovative

Butterfly valves from Belimo are ideally suited for open/ close, changeover and control applications. The actuator and the valve design allow a reduction in investment costs as well as energy savings of up to 80 %. Intelligent self-adjusting end stops ensure that they are easy to mount and commission.

  • User – Friendly

Optimised mechanical design and easy installation are possible due to the reduced height and weight of the actuator. Flexible visual position indication and the NFC capability enable fast installation, good visibility of the valve position, as well as easy commissioning and troubleshooting – even when the actuator is not connected to the power supply.

  • Reliable

Thanks to the 5-year warranty, Belimo is the best choice for your application. Backed with more than 40 years of design experience, the newly designed butterfly valves and PR actuator with its long-life brushless DC motor are perfectly coordinated with one another.

Flexible for every application

Belimo butterfly valves can be used universally as tight-closing 2-way and 3-way valves for open/close, changeover, and control applications (as mixing and diverting valves). This flexibility is guaranteed by the energy-efficient and multifunctional PR actuators.

  • 100% Tight for Cooling and Heating Generation

The Belimo wafer-type or lug-type butterfly valves are tried and trusted, tight-closing devices – with up to 14 bar closing pressure (leakage rate A, tight). In addition to motorisation with Belimo rotary actuators, the butterfl y valve is also available with lever or worm gear.

  • Flexible Field Applications

Butterfly valves can be installed anywhere in the pipe. With the 3-way butterfly valve, the installation on the T-piece can be executed in any way, making the product universally suitable for changeover and control applications and also can be used without restriction as either a mixing valve or a diverting valve.

  • Fit for Reliable Control Tasks

The Belimo butterfl y valves have a virtually equal-percentage characteristic curve for opening angles between 0 and 60 %. Depending on the desired kv value, the opening angle can be set via NFC with the Belimo Assistant App on a smartphone. For butterfly valve combinations with the PR actuator, the flow characteristic can be set to equal-percentage or linear. Combining two 2-way butterfly valves with a linearly parameterised characteristic curve into a 3-way butterfl y valve results in a perfect mixing characteristic curve. Which means that Belimo butterfl y valves are ideally suited for use as control device in 2-way and 3-way-applications.

  • Transparent communication

The butterfly valve actuators can be confi gured using the Belimo Assistant App, which means that the control, running time and maximum opening angle of the butterfly valve can be set for each application. Key performance indicators reveal the state of health of the actuator to guarantee reliable operation.

Bringing together what belongs together

The unity of the certified Belimo Thermal Energy Meter™ and the enhanced Belimo Energy Valve™ allows for transparent thermal energy management. The two worlds of “energy control” and “certified energy measurement and billing” are now being united. Accurately measure and monitor thermal flows and and energy consumption in heating and cooling systems with direct IoT-based cost accounting using a single device. The new MID-approved Thermal Energy Meters assure high accuracy and reliability, allowing for easy and efficient billing. But measuring reliably is only the beginning. The Belimo Energy Valve™ instantly controls the thermal flow and optimises the energy supply to the user. With this important combination Belimo is stepping into a new era of integrated thermal energy management and is bringing together what belongs together.


Integrated thermal energy management and billing

The new range of Belimo Energy Valve™ and Thermal Energy Meters integrates energy metering, energy control, and IoT-enabled billing in one device. It offers seamless and direct integration to the BMS or IoT-based monitoring platforms, with IoT-based monitoring platforms, with Iot-based monitoring, performance improvement tools and billing data. It is bringing together performance features to save your time and money.

  1. Measure and Control : The Belimo Energy Valve™ offers certified energy metering (MID) and pressure-independent flow, energy effeciency, power control, and delta T management in one device. Monitor and instantly optimise energy consumption for optimal for optimal system performance.
  2. Certified Metering : The Belimo Thermal Energy Meter™ are certified according to EN 1434/MID and are equipped for remote, IoT-based billing. Belimo’s pantented automatic glycol monitoring and compesation ensure that your measurement remains accurate, even if the glycol concentrations change.
  3. Digital Workflow : Apps and web tools support the design process and offer fast and simple commisioning at your fingertips. A truly digital approach and full transparency on the end user’s energy data makes your life easier.
  4. Seamless Integration : Seamless and direct integration to the BMS and equipped for IoT-based energy monitoring and billing. Integration of energy-data has never been easier. One device provides all the information you need to improve the energy performance on your system.


When it comes to planning and executing any project, selecting the right materials is paramount. This holds true for projects in various industries, from plumbing and construction to industrial processes and HVAC systems. The choice of pipe can greatly impact the project’s success, durability, and cost-efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing the right pipe for your specific project.

Project-Specific Considerations

Every project is unique, and the first step in selecting the right pipe is to understand the specific requirements of your undertaking. Consider the following factors:

  1. Material Compatibility: Ensure that the material of the pipe is compatible with the substance it will carry. Different materials are suitable for various fluids or gases, so compatibility is crucial to avoid corrosion and contamination.
  2. Pressure and Temperature: Evaluate the operating pressure and temperature conditions to select a pipe that can withstand them without compromising safety or efficiency.
  3. Size and Dimensions: Determine the required size and dimensions of the pipe based on the flow rate and space constraints. Choosing the right size is essential for optimal performance.
  4. Environmental Factors: Take into account environmental conditions, such as exposure to UV rays, moisture, or corrosive substances. Some pipes are better suited to handle specific environments.
  5. Longevity and Maintenance: Consider the expected lifespan of the project and the maintenance requirements. Some materials are more durable and low-maintenance than others.

Types of Pipes

There is a wide range of pipe materials available, each with its own set of advantages and limitations. Here are some common types:

  1. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): PVC pipes are known for their cost-effectiveness, corrosion resistance, and versatility. They are often used in plumbing, irrigation, and drainage systems.
  2. CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride): CPVC pipes are suitable for hot and cold water applications. They offer improved heat resistance compared to standard PVC.
  3. Copper: Copper pipes are valued for their durability and ability to handle high pressures. They are commonly used in plumbing and HVAC systems.
  4. PE (Polyethylene): PE pipes are lightweight and flexible, making them ideal for underground gas and water distribution.
  5. Steel: Steel pipes are incredibly strong and are often used in industrial applications and infrastructure projects. However, they require corrosion protection.

Cost Considerations

While selecting the right pipe for your project is crucial, cost is also a significant factor. It’s essential to find a balance between the material’s suitability for the project and your budget. Consider not only the initial purchase cost but also the long-term maintenance and operational costs.

Consult the Experts

If you’re unsure about which pipe to choose for your project, don’t hesitate to consult with industry experts and professionals. They can provide invaluable insights and help you make an informed decision.

At [Your Company Name], we specialize in providing high-quality pipes and components for a wide range of applications. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in selecting the right pipe for your project, ensuring its success and longevity.

The choice of pipe is a critical decision in any project. With the right material, you can enhance efficiency, safety, and overall project performance. Contact us today to explore our extensive range of pipes and receive expert guidance to make the right choice for your next endeavor.

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Empowering Projects with the Right Pipes

As the industrial landscape in Indonesia continues to evolve, it’s essential for businesses and professionals to stay ahead of the curve. In this insightful blog, we’ll explore the trends and predictions shaping the future of industrial components in Indonesia, shedding light on the innovations and challenges that lie ahead.

The pipe industry plays a crucial role in modern infrastructure development, from water supply systems to energy transportation. In this article, we’ll delve into the various aspects of this essential sector.

A Brief History of Pipe Manufacturing

Historically, pipe manufacturing has come a long way. From clay pipes used by ancient civilizations to today’s advanced materials like steel and plastic, the evolution of pipes has been remarkable. Steel pipes are known for their durability and strength. They are indispensable in industries such as oil and gas, providing the foundation for energy transportation networks.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes have revolutionized plumbing systems with their affordability and versatility. They are widely used in residential and commercial construction.

Quality Control in Pipe Manufacturing

Ensuring the quality of pipes is critical to prevent leaks, breakages, and environmental hazards. Learn about the stringent quality control measures employed in the industry. The pipe industry is moving towards sustainability with eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes. Discover how it’s contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Indonesia’s Industrial Transformation

Indonesia’s industrial sector has witnessed remarkable growth over the years, becoming a significant contributor to the nation’s economy. As the country pursues its ambitious development goals, the demand for industrial components and solutions is poised for substantial expansion. But what can we expect in the coming years?

Steel Pipes – The Stalwarts of Strength

Sustainability Takes Center Stage

One of the most prominent trends in the Indonesian industrial landscape is the increasing emphasis on sustainability. Environmental concerns, resource scarcity, and changing consumer preferences are driving businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. In response, the demand for sustainable industrial components and solutions, such as energy-efficient machinery and environmentally friendly materials, is on the rise.

The fourth industrial revolution, often referred to as Industry 4.0, is transforming the way industries operate. Smart technologies, data analytics, and automation are becoming integral to the manufacturing process. In Indonesia, this shift is expected to revolutionize traditional industries, boost efficiency, and drive innovation. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring the latest developments in IoT, artificial intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.


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Local Manufacturing and Supply Chain Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of supply chain resilience. Many businesses are now looking to strengthen their local manufacturing capabilities to reduce dependency on foreign suppliers. This trend is expected to drive investments in local industrial component manufacturing, creating opportunities for businesses to meet the growing demand for domestically produced components.


H5: Quality Control in Pipe Manufacturing

Challenges and Opportunities

While the future of industrial components in Indonesia holds immense promise, there are challenges to overcome. These include regulatory changes, the need for skilled labor, and global economic fluctuations. Understanding and adapting to these challenges is crucial for long-term success.

Predictions and Strategies

To thrive in the ever-evolving industrial landscape of Indonesia, it’s important to develop forward-thinking strategies. This blog will provide insights into:

  • Market Predictions: What can you expect in terms of demand and growth in the industrial component sector?
  • Business Opportunities: Discover emerging opportunities in the Indonesian market.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Learn how to incorporate sustainable practices into your business model.
  • Supply Chain Resilience: Strategies for ensuring a robust and adaptable supply chain.

At [Your Company Name], we’re committed to helping businesses navigate the dynamic industrial landscape in Indonesia. As a distributor of industrial components, we stay at the forefront of market trends and innovations, ensuring that you have access to the latest products and solutions.

The future of industrial components in Indonesia is bright, and by staying informed and agile, your business can be at the forefront of this exciting transformation. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and how we can support your industrial component needs in Indonesia.

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Empowering Indonesia’s Industrial Future

In this comprehensive guide, we’re diving deep into the world of fittings – those essential components that keep the fluid dynamics of your systems running smoothly. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a DIY enthusiast, you’ll find valuable insights to demystify fittings and enhance your understanding of their types, uses, and installation techniques.

Unveiling the Basics: What Are Fittings?

Fittings are the unsung heroes of plumbing, HVAC, and industrial applications. They are the connectors that bring everything together, ensuring that liquids and gases flow where they’re supposed to. Our team at Genair knows that having the right fitting is paramount to the success of your project, and that’s why we’re here to help you understand them better.

Types of Fittings

Fittings come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for specific applications. In this section, we’ll explore some of the most common types, including:

  1. Threaded Fittings: Ideal for connecting pipes and valves, threaded fittings are versatile and easy to install.
  2. Compression Fittings: Known for their watertight seals, compression fittings are commonly used in plumbing.
  3. Flare Fittings: Used in HVAC systems, flare fittings provide a reliable connection without the need for soldering.
  4. Welded Fittings: Often employed in heavy-duty industrial applications, welded fittings provide a secure and permanent connection.
  5. Quick-Connect Fittings: These innovative fittings make installation a breeze, saving time and reducing labor costs.

Understanding Their Uses

Fittings play a crucial role in various industries, and knowing which type to use for your specific project is essential. We’ll break down the key applications for fittings, whether it’s for plumbing, HVAC systems, industrial processes, or any other use case. You’ll gain the confidence to choose the right fitting for your needs, ensuring the success and longevity of your installations.

Installation Tips for Success

Even the best fittings won’t perform as expected if they’re not installed correctly. We’ll provide you with a handy set of installation tips and best practices, including:

  • Proper Sizing: Ensuring your fittings match the size of the pipes or components they connect is vital.
  • Leak Prevention: Discover how to avoid common leakage issues during and after installation.
  • Tightening Techniques: Learn how to achieve a secure and leak-free connection, whether you’re working with threaded, compression, or other fittings.

At Genair, we’re not just your trusted distributor of pipe, fitting, valve, and HVAC solutions. We’re your partners in success, providing you with the knowledge and resources to make your projects a triumph. From understanding the types of fittings to mastering their uses and installation, we’ve got you covered.

Stay tuned for more informative articles, expert advice, and product updates from Genair. Fittings may be complex, but with our guidance, they’ll be demystified, and your projects will run seamlessly. For all your fitting needs, contact us today, and experience the difference that expertise and quality can make.

Your Success is Our Priority